1·XM invites users to immerse themselves in the wonderful worlds of XM. Users drive through 4 distinctive 'towns'; Rock town, Country town, Sports town and Urban town, each with.
2·There isn't much violent crime in a small town like Green Ville, or at least not as much as in the large urban areas.
3·Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence, while still permitting low-density urban living.
4·The delegation will include chiefs of companies from urban infrastructure, town planning, mining, energy, legal, financial, construction, water, power, education and brand marketing sectors.
5·Many locals, meanwhile, lament the transformation of Reading from market town to urban shopping experience.
6·The aggression and street smarts learned in an urban environment enable the transplant to establish a massive crime ring and take over the town.
7·In any event, other trends suggest that for every Timmy Willie, there is a Johnny Town-Mouse: many people like urban life and want to go on living in a city, particularly the centre.
不管怎么说,有的迹象显示有蒂米•威利(Timmy Willie)就会有城市鼠约翰尼(Johnny Town-Mouse)存在(译注:2):很多喜欢城市生活的人希望住到城市里,特别是住到市中心去。
8·Recently, I'd begun to ask myself: How would it feel to be a migrant abandoning the countryside for the urban unknown, or a small-town tourist facing off against the metropolis?
9·He builds a strong case, too, for town-dwelling, drawing on his own research as well as that of other observers of urban life.
10·But the alternative is an unbridgeable gap between town and country - with children such as Zhao Ai stranded in poverty as his urban peers romp ahead.